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Tuesday, August 5, 2008

The Lessons of Austin

What does Austin, TX have that Tulsa, OK does not? And is there some way of imitating the lessons of Austin and apply them to Tulsa? Can you incubate a creative class in your community? What a great subject.

I have been pondering this subject while on vacation in one of the creative capitols of the world, Los Angeles. The benefits of the presence of a robust creative class are evident everywhere in Los Angeles. Driving down Washington Avenue in LA takes you through downtown Culver City -- home of Sony Studios. You drive further towards the ocean and see small, 2-bedroom houses that are selling for $1 million. You arrive at the Pacific and wander through Venice and on to Santa Monica.

What does Los Angeles, CA have that Newport News, VA dos not? Is there some way of imitating the lessons of LA and apply them to Newport News?

The question begs that we consider history. What has been happening in LA for the past 100 years that has not been happening in Newport News? What role does geography and climate play? Why does capital investment arrive in LA and not NN? Is there a creative class in NN that we don't know about? And what is my interest in Newport News, VA?

Embracing the Pirates

There is a real story embedded in the good report from Andrew Edgecliffe Johnson (Financial Times). The music industry in Britain commissioned a study from the PRS' chief economist, Will Page. The report is not available online, at this point, but the report suggests that one of the recommendations is to capture some income (rather than punishing pirates) by licensing file-sharing websites. Makes sense but it means that there will still be millions of dollars "lost" to the pirates.

In any case, it's better to make some money than no money, right? Thanks to the Financial Times for getting this news on the web. When will the report (or an executive summary) make it online?

Malaysian artists begin again to unite their agendae

The New Straits Times (Malaysia) reports on a congress of artist organizations. I have little understanding or knowledge of the music business in Malaysia. The reporter, RADIN SRI GHAZALI, provides a hint of insight into some of the bureaucratic issues facing the unification of artist organizations. Very little history is provided -- what is the problem here?