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Thursday, September 4, 2008

Kavit Haria - music guru

Here's an interesting website. Lots of answers for the musician in a band.

Cool job opening at NPR

No telecommunity. Must live in Washington DC. Oversee $10 million budget with a charge to lead NPR's (national public radio) transition from radio-only to a multi-media company.

Can you spell convergence? And why is NPR behind American Public Media which is behind the British Broadcasting Corporation? Good questions.

Tufts University students vs RIAA

In its continued campaign to bust students that are pirating music using file-sharing websites/services, the RIAA continues to gain a more nuanced and sophisticated approach in hunting down the "evil-doers." Matt Repka from the Tufts Daily reports on the smack-down.

Un-Convention, one of thousands AND a good thing

Ben Cardew of Music Week writes about a London conference that showcases local artists and addresses new business models that can assist them. Acting locally sometimes is so local that it falls below the international radar screen. It is still a very good thing. I especially appreciate the..."renews emphasis on live performance..." that is quoted in context, below.

"Organisers claim they will be joined by “over thirty of the most forward-thinking minds in the current scene”, with discussions on the future role of record labels, the renewed emphasis on live performance, how to gain exposure across all forms of media and a look at some of the most innovative ideas and business models around.

Un-convention is also running a blog, to be found at, so participants can have their say on what should be discussed at the event."

Great online interview about the music industry

Check this out. DailyTech offers an online interview with Rich Bengloff, president of A2IM. Good information about Pandora, iTunes, Rhapsody, Matador, SubPop, Epitaph, and Saddle Creek. Also, piracy is damaging to independent artists AND major label artists. Mr. Bengloff focuses on the problems with DRM. This interview is a little dry, but is wonderfully informative.

myAWOL now

In launching a new "brand," it's important to get your name right. myAOL is about to launch at the same time as start-up myAWOL. Someone had to change their name -- who do you think flinched?

On the other side, could be a place for your mubu majors to get their first job?

MySpace Music ship without a captain

You've got a hugely successful social networking website with millions raging through your portal. You see the opportunity to create a robust music service that can rival iTunes. Your CEO is hot for the idea. You begin plans to launch the site; resources are brought online. You forgot one thing: you need someone to lead and coordinate the business.

MySpace is about ready to launch its music service. Do you think it will be a success?

Australian pirate

It is too early to attribute guilt, but I do believe there are bad people in the world and that piracy is nothing but piracy -- no high-minded arguments about the old business models operating in the recording industry. Pirates arrrrrre bad.,23599,24293239-29277,00.html