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Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Back @ it

Hello, again. I know that someone is following this blog and will read it whenever I post. So here is the first post in a long time. I'm gearing up for next semester (Fall) with the intro to mubu. The course will be streamlined -- I tried to do too much the first time through.
And I'm starting to think about how the intro course pours into internships. The course is required for all mubu majors but not everyone wants to go into mubu. This simple little fact has taken a little time to soak into my head and now that I can see that internships have to be customized for each student I will work a little less strenuously in developing opportunities ahead of the demand.
The large, industrial-strength music businesses continue to realign and consolidate themselves. The problem continues to be how to innovate and re-invent the business models. The most interesting ideas are happening outside of the business offices and taking place in out-of-the-way places. I recently became acquainted with an adjunct at MCAD (Mpls College of Art & Design) and his work in a Minnesota association of social networkers. I'll be bringing this into the next class.
Anyhoo, I'm back @ it. Hope you all have had a good Spring. Summer's a-comin'.