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Friday, August 15, 2008

Is the Kindle like the iPod?

The Guardian's Jack Schofield is a smart writer -- at least I feel smart reading about what interests him. Anyway, there is a great quote in this article. My bet is that the Kindle is not the iPod. I think it's more likely the equivalent of the Diamond Rio. Anyhoo, here is the quote with a link to the full article.

"Guardian editor Alan Rusbridger wrote earlier this year: "I don't think the Kindle is quite the iPod moment for newspapers, but even so, it is pretty cute." This is an area we track closely because, as he said, "no editor wants to be like a generation of music industry executives who woke up one morning to find the iPod had eaten their business".

Rather than following the example of the Recording Industry Association of America - which sued to try to stop sales of the Rio player - newspapers are more likely to adopt and support them. The big question is when."

Is the record industry the same as the music industry?