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Thursday, December 17, 2009

The Cricket

When the days are SO short and the temperatures are SO cold, I begin to think of the coming summer nights sitting in a hammock among a grove of white pines at the end of a peninsula jutting out into Eagle's Nest Lake Number Two. These thoughts have inspired...

The Cricket: a new song by Randall Davidson. Karl Lappe is the poet who first had the poem set by a German composer by the name of Franz Schubert. 

The poem's narrator is sitting in front of a campfire watching the embers burn down as he listens to the sounds of the woods. He is alone. A cricket chirps in the woods and the narrator then understands that he is not alone at all. He is connected to the cricket, the woods, and everything and everyone in the world. I have recently been laid off and, at first, felt alone and disconnected. Upon reflection (not in front of a campfire but with colleagues, friends and family), I now understand that I am not alone at all. I am connected. We are all suffering whether we are employed or not. Things will get better...