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Monday, September 5, 2011

It has been too long since I have posted anything on this blog. It's Labor Day 2011 and I've turned the corner away from Summer 2011. Big events in the last 90 days have been (in reverse chronological order):
1) marketing my 40th high school reunion to 631 classmates who live all over the country, Russia, the Phillipines, Afghanistan, Denmark and New Zealand;
2) successfully completing the 10th summer of Junior Composers;
3) putting my office in order (again).

Coming up for the next 90 days:
1) upgrading the notation on a number of music scores;
2) new job;
3) plan and launch the marketing of Junior Composers 2012 programs;
4) complete three new commissions (one for chamber orchestra and two for chamber ensembles).

No time for the wicked. ;-)