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Thursday, July 31, 2008

Initiation of a Young Rock impresario

In the NYTimes: There is no short-cut for hard work.

On the Bus, and Off It: The Initiation of a Young Rock Impresario
Published: July 31, 2008
For Sean Carlson, taking his independent music festival on tour was a chance to have fun, to make his name and, he hoped, to leapfrog to the next level of the music world.

Friday, July 25, 2008

More introductions

Spent 45 minutes today meeting incoming freshmen students at an academic information session. Of the students who I met who were interested in music business, almost all of them have had years of experience. The one piece of information that surprised each of them was that they would have to audition to be accepted into the music department.
Surprised because I think it is assumed that music business doesn't require you to be a musician. That may be the greatest long-term strength of the music business program at UST -- we set a very high standard for what our students must be able to do if they are going into music business. They must be performers, producers, conductors, composers, and must have a grasp of the sweep of music history.
AND take foundational courses in business: finance, accounting, marketing, management, business law and ethics, and entrepreneurship.
This MuBu degree is HARD! As it should be.

First post

This is going to be an interesting experience for me. I've kept a blog before but never for my work. I will begin by saying that I am the director of the music business program at the University of St. Thomas. This means that I teach three classes, advise students, help them plan their internships, and advise the student organization called MEISA (Music & Entertainment Industry Student Association).
In time, I will have links to current news and will have posts discussing what is happening in the world of MuBu. Lt. Meriwether Lewis is my model in this endeavor. He kept scrupulous notes on what he thoughts, saw, heard, and felt during the great Expedition of Discovery that was a search for a northwestern passage to the Pacific Ocean that he led with Lt. Clarke.
If this blog is enlightening to you it will be because of Lt. Lewis and his Field Guide.