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Monday, December 7, 2009

Ten days and counting

As I look back on the posts to this website, it seems like it takes me ten days to work up enough steam to say something. And although I often have instant opinions on nearly everything, I appreciate my reluctance to throw everything I have onto this space.

You might think it's laziness - it take a little bit of effort to organize one's thoughts and to put it down into clear language. But I think it's something else, instead.

There is just too much noise on the internet. Opinions are flying all the time and most of them are hurtling towards you with graphic (or at least dramatic) imagery, sound, and headlines. What I have noticed about most of the stuff that comes my way is that there is very little consideration in establishing a dialogue.

I have just changed my settings on this blog to allow comments. I hope that you are inspired to contribute something to this blog - after all, I am a strong believer in the idea that trees don't make noise when they fall in the woods if no one is there.

In fact, I think this blog could have a different sub-heading: "noises in the musical woods."

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